
Read what some of my clients had to say.

Mini Gupta - Owner, Tinnitus Care Clinic

'Karen is an exceptional content writer who has helped me greatly in putting my thoughts into words. She is not only talented, but also very professional and dedicated to her work. During our collaboration, Karen made sure to understand my vision and goals for the website, and worked tirelessly to bring them to life through her writing. Her attention to detail, creativity, and strong communication skills made the whole process smooth and enjoyable.'

Tom Pewtress - Chair, Monash Business Awards

'Karen has been an outstanding member of the Monash Business Awards team, consistently working hard to deliver our events program, communications strategy and sponsor engagement. Her copy-writing skills are exceptional, meaning you can rely on Karen’s literary expertise to hit the right note and achieve the tone you desire. It has been a pleasure to work with Karen.'

Jeff Barlow - President, Healesville Community Renewable Energry Inc, and Executive Officer, Yarra Valley Community Power Hub

'Karen has been a pleasure to work with. She has always been professional in her approach, efficient and well organised. More importantly, she has ably assisted us, as rather inexperienced community volunteers, to formulate our briefs and has followed the briefs we provided to her.'

Behind the scenes

Much of my work is only available in print, or ghostwritten for small businesses, agencies and organisations under a non-disclosure agreement. Please reach out if you would like to know more about my experience and areas of expertise, or find a snippet of what I do on my home page.

For information or collaborations please contact me at kcasey.n@gmail.com